Today Cyber Security plays a paramount role in global security. On this blog, the CEO of Paramount Defenses shares rare insights on issues related to Cyber Security, including Privileged Access, Organizational Cyber Security, Foundational Security, Windows Security, Active Directory Security, Insider Threats and other topics.

July 2, 2012

Dell Acquires Quest Software - Thanks, Mr. Dell


Its official – Dell and Quest Software today announced they have entered into a definitive agreement for Dell to acquire Quest.

Michael Dell

Michael Dell

Such desperation on Dell’s part to recently establish a Software Group to diversify its business, and now pay 50x earnings for Quest Software, and make it the "core" of its software business clearly indicates that it doesn’t see its hardware business improving anytime soon.

I suppose Quest’s customers can expect the following in months to come –
  1. Discontinuation of Certain Products
  2. Deterioration of Product Capabilities  
  3. Transition to Customer Service from India
  4. Departure of Sales/Dev Employees

Anyway, I just wanted to thank Mr. Dell for setting a precedent - 50x is the new multiple for acquisitions in the Windows Management / Active Directory Solutions space, and that’s just for commodity solutions.

Mr. Dell, by the way, here's Security 101 for you - I doubt your own IT folks can tell you exactly how many people can reset your password and login as you today. Unfortunately for you, neither can Quest Software.

No worries, we can help you answer that question, in about 2 minutes - here you go (; it's child's play for us, powered by our innovative, patent-pending, Microsoft-endorsed, resultant-access assessment technology). 

Alright back to work now.

Best wishes,

PS – Evercore's Rob Cihra, echoes/validates my thoughts - "Dell is “rolling up a rollup...    ...We see Dell taking on the challenge of trying to build out its new software identity by acquiring a company that seemed unable to fully figure out its own identity.